Description: A two-column, fixed-width design. Version : 1.0 Released : 20070923 --> An Awesome Place To Be
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Panick-ville, here i come!

Seriously man.
I shouldn't even be here.
I'm sitting at the laptop, with my Marketing book in my lap,
And my lecture notes strewn ALL over the floor (due to lack of space on my teeny-ass study table)

And what am i doing?



I have a Marketing mid-session exam this Saturday.
Who in the their right minds gives an exam on Saturday??!
It's another one of those things that student union should be championing for.
Student rights, man!

And i have a content analysis due on Monday.
The whole damn assignment crept up on me!
I swear I didnt even hear it coming.

Was talking to a classmate in tutorial, who was telling me about her assignment.
To which I replied, "Oh, that sucks that you have an assignment due so soon, mine's only due on 2nd April.."
And she just stared at me and said.. "Yeah.. that's this coming Monday..?"
To which I replied, "... ... .. ... .. SHIT....!!!.!!!..."

The rest of the day was spent with a half-panicked brain, like a little mouse running in circles, going "omigodOmigodomigodomigod.."

Back to cramming for tmr's 80 mcq mid-session.
Yes, 80 questions.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Li!!

I hope you had a whale of a time with the whole gang, I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I'm missing out on all the fun!.. *sobb*.. But anyway, I'll try to look out for hot surfer dudes for you here, hopefully I can kidnap one and pack him in a box with ribbons for your birthday present. Any requests? Blonde? Tall? Muscle-y? Or all-the-above-mentioned?


ahAHhaa.. And guess who popped up on my msn just as I'm typing this.



So, happy birthday! (albeit a little late, but its the thought that counts..)

Don't be too crazy in college kay! You're supposed to study! :D
And don't forget to include me in all the gossip..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

.days in uni.

Uni has officially started.



Getting used to 200 people lectures,
Where there are more blondes than slit-eyes.

It's funny how Aussies think that every ChinkyEyedPerson can't speak proper English.

"Wow, you speak such good English!"
(No, I downloaded the language through a microscopic thumbdrive that attaches to my brain)
"Oh, so do people speak English in Malaysia?"
(No, not really, we're all telepathic and speak with our minds)


It's funny.
My tutorials are all so bi-polar.

Tute for my Arts classes are predominantly female populated.
18 girls and 2 boys.

Today, we had a discussion and "male and female gender biases".
You know,
The usual debate about how women will never get as acknowledged as men,
How it's all a social construct..
bla bla..

Been there, done that.

So the one of the two lonely guys, Simon, bravely offers his opinions..
"Yes, I agree, but while men get the more dominating perceptions, you chicks... ... "


Whoo, you should've seen the faces on the girls when he said the magic word "chicks''.
*heads whip around and eyes bulge"

"oh, oh, I mean, girls.. err.. ladies.. err.. women.. err.. err.. young women..?.."
*blushing bright red*

I just kept grinning to myself.

The other bi-polar tute I have is my Marketing class.
17 boys and 3 girls.

And I should mention that in all of my tutes, I am either the only or one of the three ChinkyEyedPeople in the class.

Till later then!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here

Saturday, March 03, 2007

.what's happened.

I've had these pictures for quite a while now,
Although only now I've finally gotten around to putting them up.
So I'm taking advantage of my cousin's incredibly fast broadband to load up my pictures.

Oh, before I start,
Last night,
I stayed up watching Grey's Anatomy.
I was sobbing and crying until my nose running like a broken tap!
Such a baby, I know.
But it's all good.
She didn't die.

Before I left for Australia,
I got a chance to go for the Boyz II Men concert,
(I can just see my cousins' Brendan and Joann's jealousy now!)

All those classic songs that got all of us singing and swaying from side to side.
There's nothing like the ol' school R&B songs.
Better than all these new supposed "R&B/HipHop" music.
Like Ne-Yo and Akon and all that.

Don't like.

The concert was up in Genting.
Eiran very bravely drove us up.
And MAN, the weather was so crazy!
It was so incredibly foggy and cold.
You literally couldn't see more than 15 metres in front of you!

We had to wait after the concert for the fog to let up abit, coz we couldn't even see the road!
But in the end, we managed to get down safely.

Before I left,
Had a little get-together with the good ol' Taylor's gang.
Sorta like a little farewell party for MeiTien, Ida, Radd and myself
(all of us are in sunny Australia now)

It was good to get together and have one last gossip session.
Although there's no prizes for guessing who we gossiped about the most!
Hily's Best Friend.

I'm missing all the action in Taylor's now.
Hily, don't stare too much at the young 19 yr old boys!
Alison, let someone else be the smartest in the class for a change.
Li, stop losing your car!
Van, don't gossip too much ah! (and if you do, don't forget to include me in the latest news!)

.tak jadi.

My first attempt at trying to create a blogskin.
Very ambitious attempt, I know.
But tak jadi.


But I don't care.
I'm just gonna leave it.
Until I feel sufficiently bored to retouch it.

So for now,
You all just tahan la.

Not like that many people read my blog ANYWAY..


*hint of self pity*

Friday, March 02, 2007

.proud moment.

I just cooked my first meal!..

Pasta ala KaLing
Spiralli Pasta
with homemade Pesto Sauce
with sauteed mushrooms, onions and tomatoes
on a bed of fresh rocket and spinach

I wish i remembered to take a picture of it.

But seriously though,
That's the first ever meal I've cooked
All by myself

Proud moment!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

.happy birthday.

Happy Birthday, JoJo!

This is long due.

Like seriously long due.

But I still love you, my best friend


Sorry we're so far apart.

Thank you for being my friend.

And for tahaning my weirdoness

And for sharing all those wonderful times pre and post Cempaka.

Love you to bits.