Description: A two-column, fixed-width design. Version : 1.0 Released : 20070923 --> An Awesome Place To Be
Saturday, April 21, 2007

I've exceeded my downloads off the internet!
Die, the person who invented limited downloads.
I mean, I'm paying for broadband, I should be able to surf the net however much I want.

I feel a tantrum coming on.
I wanna just stomp my foot and go "I want! I want! I WANT!"

So I'm finding refuge in my cousin's house, who has threatened me in case i exceed HIS downloads..
*evil glint in my eye* nyahahhaaa...

So picture update time,
Over the easter holidays,
I went to the Royal Easter Show with my cousins, Jo and May
(will put up photos of the Easter Show some other time lah. Damn lazy now)

Then met up with MeiTien,
Who came all the way to Sydney to visit me :D
Nolah, she came to spend time with her cousins or something like that.
Anyway, we went to the zoo, with her cousin David.

So that's us (me, MeiTien and David)
Taking advantage of us looking like tourists.. hehe (yes, i know we're tourists.. but not TOURISTS-tourists!... know what i mean??!)

Close to ALL the animals that we saw were sleeping.
Damn lazy Australians.
Australian animals, i mean.
Same thing la.
:D .. i joke, i joke..

Anyway, this is the ambassador of the Lazy Aussie Zoo Animals.
Meet, Ah Bin the Binturong.
After numerous accounts with sleepy, unmoving animals,
We were getting kinda frustrated and started calling out to the animals.

Me: Bin-bin!!... hello..!?!?!?... Ah BIN..!!.. wake up!!
MeiTien: Bin-bin ah??.. Oi..!..

Obviously Ah-Bin was oblivious.
He was probably thinking "stupid two legged mammals in their funny coloured fur and high-pitched whiney voices... leave me alone la.."

So, anyway, in conclusion,
I had tons of fun meeting with a fellow Malaysian/Taylorian mate and catch up with old times
And gossip about everything.