Description: A two-column, fixed-width design. Version : 1.0 Released : 20070923 --> An Awesome Place To Be
Friday, May 19, 2006

.random family.

Was watching Triple X on astro. A total dude movie btw. Complete with the fast cars which seem to blow up everything, the binoculars/xray/camera/night-vision, the "chick" (who pretends to hate the hero at first, but ends up in a bikini making out with him..)

So. Anyway.

There's this one part in the movie where VinDiesel creates an avalanche to kill the bad guys chasing, and also he got chance to show skills at snowboarding la. Show some snazzy moves on the snowboard, all the while being chase by the raging flood of snow (which he caused himself.. so actually.. quite stupid la right?..)

then my mom goes.. "Eh, this Bin Diesel man, quite good right?"

Me: ... *thinks to self: did she just say BIN diesel?, never mind, she old and kolot, dunno all the hollywood stars names. let her be..

Two minutes laterr...

Mom: Van Diesel act in what other movie..?
Me: ... *only my motherr la.. *rolls eyes*


Yeah, so that's my random mother.